Are we heading for a Manchester dominance in the Premier League?

Are we heading for a Manchester dominance in the Premier League?

Friday 16th September

The Premier League is only 4 games old and already the Manchester clubs are looking dominant. We are used to seeing the red side of Manchester enjoying success, but now with the Abu Dhabi money, City have amassed a formidable squad of superstars who after 4 games already look a menacing team full of goals.

But before we all get carried away, we have to remember the race for the Premiership title is a marathon, not a sprint, and about this time (give or take a week here or there) last year everyone was purring at the start Chelsea made….All the way until that nightmare November when it all fell apart.

Chelsea, just like Manchester City, were created by an influx of overseas money and proceeded to buy all and sundry, the rest as they say is history. Manchester City would love to equal that history. We all know money is the key to success, but using that money correctly and wisely is the catalyst.

Manchester United has proved time and time again that a good quality squad is what you need to become champions, Manchester City certainly have this, position for position they probably have the best squad in England. Chelsea are the only other team that could possibly challenge the two from Manchester. Russian money impressed with purchases of Mata, Raul Meireles, David Luiz, Sturridge, Lukaku and (although a misfiring at the moment) Torres. This shows they have quality and youth in the team. But (as Torres said) the squad are aging, and a few injury’s here and there just like last November could be their downfall.

In the Champions league Manchester United played a so called weakened team in Portugal. This still included the likes of Valencia, a 37 year old Ryan Giggs with a great equaliser, an international goalkeeper in Lindegaard, youth and experience in Evans and Park. They also had Berbatov, Michael Owen and Phil Jones on the bench.

Manchester City played a more full strength team for the match against Napoli as it was their first ever game in the Champions League. They still had the likes of Tevez, Clichy, Adam Johnson, Kolo Toure and Micah Richards on the bench, all internationals with the likes of Milner and Hargreaves not in the squad.

If you look at Arsenal and Liverpool who have both spent money this summer, and even Tottenham who could well be in the mix. They all stack up relatively well for a first eleven, but we all know this is a squad game, and none of these teams can put out a 2nd eleven to the calibre of the two from Manchester.

It could be a long old league season for the rest of the Premiership, including Chelsea. I believe only a wish of some horrific series of injuries can put a spanner in the works for a two horse Premiership race. With that being said, this weekends trip to Old Trafford could go along way to determine if this actually will be the case, or maybe Chelsea can show that this seasons Premiership title will very much be a threesome.


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