Full Name: Mauro Matias Zarate
Original Team: Lazio (Italy)
Best Position: Forward.
Best Attribute: Finishing, Free kick taking.
Bio: This is a lethal young Argentine striker. Will be 21/22 at the start of the game (depending on what version you have). You probably wont purchase him straight away (if ever) as Lazio will have a tight grip on him. Took me 4 seasons to get him, but when I did, I was so pleased with myself. This boy is a natural finisher, has goals galore in him, was in double figures 7 seasons in a row. Helps that he takes a deceivingly wicked free-kick, I kid you not. Just outside the box, 9 times out of 10 this boy will hit the back of the net. He left on a free at the ripe old age of 36, still coming off the bench and notching the odd vital goal
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